Step needle applicator is adjusted depending on individual skin sensitivity and the required degree of intensity of exposure, focusing on feeling sensations in application. Children are usually recommend the use of applicators with thicker step.
Cylindrical and flat applicators have the same mechanism of action and can be used both independently and jointly, potentiating ( increasing ) effect of each other. Indications for use are the same, the main principle of choice is the comfort of use. Flat and Cylindrical applicators are used to influence the basic, additional and supplementary zone. Rollers also affect the area along the spine (location area sympathetic points) for reflex diagnostics. As with an applicator, and with a roller can be for a short time to relieve pain, recover, translate the nervous system of the state of stress in normal, get a therapeutic effect in various pathological conditions .
In 90% of cases it is necessary to act on the zone which disturbs (area of pain), and to increase effectiveness of treatment should act on additional and supplementary zones. In total formulation should always incorporate the main zone (spine). Additional and secondary zones to be used in the case when for some reason it is impossible to influence the primary zone. Additional and secondary zones may be located at sites on the location opposite to the main zone. For potentiation (strengthening) the therapeutic effect is appropriate to include in the formulation effect on the healthy side symmetric zones.
To achieve an optimal therapeutic effect should:
1. Choosing the right area, modes and methods of influence.
2 . Implement correct folding on applicators.
The main condition for proper installation - even distribution of the body weight over the entire surface of the applicator.
Look picture:

laying applicator lyapko

In any case not stack the applicator on a completely flat surface. To properly put applicators need most accurately simulate curves of the spine in the cervical and lumbar affairs from using pillows and cushions folded towels. Within the first five minutes of "dialogue" with the applicator relative discomfort stabbing sensations turn into a comfortable feeling of a powerful heat , pleasant "vibration" , tingling, subsequently may feel drowsy, general relaxation, turning into a healthy, restful sleep .
If discomfort for 10-15 minutes, remove and applicators should be used only after 5-10 hours or the next day , capturing a smaller area. Causes discomforts may be incorrect use applicators, ie uneven loading on the needle and the slide with the applicators, which is accompanied by scratching the skin. To eliminate these phenomena should rise above the applicator and dip it again by placing knees soft cushion.

Exposure time depends on the available applicators in this case, the symptoms and the particular problem that you set for yourself . With intense pain , high blood pressure , irritability, anxiety, insomnia recommended applicators in the afternoon or at bedtime . Exposure duration - 15-30 minutes to roll - 10-15 minutes.
If hypotension , drowsiness , weakness, decrease in sensitivity , as well as debilitated patients and the elderly impact effectively carried out in the morning and the first half of the day . The duration of treatment is for the applicator - 7-10 minutes to roll - 5-7 minutes. In some cases a pronounced positive effect is achieved by prolonged exposure of 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks . Treatment may be repeated after 2-4 weeks.
There is a positive long-term practical experience , for several consecutive months of daily use applicators. Observed steady improvement of health , the removal of chronic pain , increase vitality and health.

Exposure time with Lyapko applicators and rollers
Prescription Roller applicators Lyapko Plates applicators Lyapko

Tonic action, anesthesia, increase of working capacity (in the morning, in the aftenoon)

3-7 min 7-10 min

Relaxing, relieving of chronic pain, hypnotic effect (mostly in the evening)

8-15 min 20-30 min


Examples of using Lyapko application devices

Using applicators Lyapko

Examples of using Lyapko Belt application devices

Using Belt applicators Lyapko

Using Little belt applicators Lyapko

Examples of using Magic Ribbons

Examples of using Magic Ribbons

Using Magac ribbon applicators Lyapko


Examples of using Magic Ribbons in Sport

Using Magic ribbon applicators Lyapko in sport

Applicators should cause only pleasant feelings!

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